Choosing the right company giveaway for promoting a corporate event can be challenging. It has to be attractive, unique, frequently used and inexpensive for your event to gain maximum exposure. While there are thousands of knickknacks being used as promotional items, none is as novel, effective and practical stubby holders. Advertising promos, gimmicks and corporate [...]
Is your government department embarking on a campaign to help people stop smoking? Or holding a waste management education program to preserve the seas and the forests? Or sponsoring economic forums to encourage entrepreneurship and increase global and local trading? Drumming up interest in and support for government projects can be difficult as people tend to think of them as boring – but not if you use stubby holders to promote your projects and keep people informed.
Want to have a party that your guests will remember for a long time? Give each guest a personalised stubby holder to take home. Party souvenirs are de rigueur in social gatherings such as birthdays, weddings, and bachelor/ bachelorette parties. You want your friends to go home happy and with good memories of your party. Using a stubby holder as a party favour can serve a lot of uses.
would be a can, bottle or glass of ice cold beer. If you can give away stubby coolers to keep those beers cool, then you will become every reveller’s best friend. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your brand.
The idea of free has been used in the business environment since the beginning of marketing due to the powerful hold it has on consumers. It is surprising to discover what individuals will do in order to take advantage of attaining a free opportunity. Higher prices are often paid in order to receive a free [...]