Stubby Holders Australia

Instant Quote for Deluxe Stubbies Delivered in 3 to 4 Weeks

Welcome to our Instant Quote page for Custom Stubby Holders in Australia for Businesses at bulk prices in 3 to 4 weeks!

Please fill out this form so you can get an instant quote, and we can get the information we need to fulfill your order.

Start by choosing the amount of Stubby holders you’d like, and hit “Send” after completing the form:

Number of Stubby Holder Units:

I want this number of Stubby Holders in 3 to 4 weeks:


Do you need a little help before completing your order?

You can contact us here: I want to ask a quick question



Stubby Holder Model:


Want to see other options? 

Full stubby holder range here:  Stubby Holder Catalog


SHA-6 Product Details:

Deluxe Sublimated Print Stubby Holders Custom Designed With Base,Taped & Sewn Side Seam-Overlocked Edges

This is a tough and durable Stubbie designed to withstand tough environments like those found in the mining and construction industries.

It is made using high-quality and durable 5 mm neoprene with glued and stitched seams, as well as a glued base and overlocked edges to give it extra toughness.

This Stubbie is available in full colour print, and that makes it an excellent alternative for projects that need complex logos with several colours on them or photographs printed on your stubbies.


Delivery Date:

My Delivery Date is:



What's the Artwork situation?

Maximum file size: 516MB


Finished artwork must be supplied in our template for this stubby holder model as an editable PDF file. You can download here:

Stubby Holder Template


Maximum file size: 100MB

Physical Stubby Holder background colour (Disclaimer: PMS colours may appear different on different screens)
Select your Template:


Information for Stubby Holder Template:

Maximum file size: 516MB

The numbers on fields below relate to the same fields in templates above.

Physical Stubby Holder background colour (Disclaimer: PMS colours may appear different on different screens)
Font for Stubby Holders:
Text Colour


Information for Stubby Holders that Need Artwork:

Give us an idea of what you want on your Stubby Holders:

Step 1:

Create a rough hand drawn sketch of what you would like to have on your stubby holders (You can also take a photo of an existing  stubby holder design.)


To make things easier, you can download and print this template (Right click and save. Make sure you set printer to landscape):

Stubby Holder Template for Hand Drawn Sketches


Step 2:

After you complete step 1, take a photo with your phone and upload it below so we can have an idea of each element's size and location (Title, image, text, etc.)


Maximum file size: 516MB



Step 3:

Also, upload any other relevant images required by your design (logo, photos, etc.)

Here are 2 examples of filled templates:




Step 4:

Share specific text or relevant notes for your stubby holders using the text boxes below these lines and choose your font.

Stubby Holder Colour (Physical background colour)
Font for Stubby Holders:
Text Colour


Customer Information (NO PO Boxes. We need a Physical Address to deliver your order)

Delivery Address
Delivery Address
For a fast and accurate delivery, please share your address type so we can give you an accurate delivery cost:
Confirm the number of Stubby Holders you want delivered at your Residential Address (Metropolitan Areas)
Confirm the number of Stubby Holders you want delivered at your Residential Address (Remote Areas)


Order Details:


.Order Total:



Do you need a little help before completing your order?

You can contact us here:

I want to ask a quick question



Want to save your progress for later? 

Add your email address above and hit "Save Draft" at the end of this page, so we can send you a link to easily complete your order later.






