The idea of free has been used in the business environment since the beginning of marketing due to the powerful hold it has on consumers. It is surprising to discover what individuals will do in order to take advantage of attaining a free opportunity. Higher prices are often paid in order to receive a free gift that in reality services no purpose for the potential buyer.
Many consumers develop consumer loyalty and regular repeat business when a company provides free promotional opportunities and items. With this development of the free concept in marketing, the next step is to identify what free promotion best works for your company’s interests. When considering your promotional opportunities, look into the many advantages that are found with personalised stubby holders.
PRODUCT USE: Personalised stubby holders feature an advantage that is not offered by many other products, the opportunity for use. When you put your company name on pens or random promotional items you run the risk of those items being discarded or hidden. With personalised stubby holders you are providing your clients a product that they can use in their everyday lives.
ENVIRONMENT FLEXIBILITY: Another feature of printed stubby holders is that they are not limited by environment. Most promotional items are found in office or working environments but with personalised stubbie holders the promotional gift can be taken home, left in the office or utilized on the road every day.
BRAND RECOGNITION: When you utilize stubby holders you are not only providing your clients with the benefit of a free gift but are also ensuring that your brand is presented to them on a regular basis. With personalised stubby holders you are marketing in their office with every beverage they purchase, you are advertising in their home on a regular basis and even on vacation your brand is being presented while they are relaxing with a cool drink. Their versatility makes them an ideal marketing tool that you can expect to be regularly accessed.
EXTENDED PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: In addition to the regular brand recognition you are developing through the gifting of stubby holders, you also are developing clients to become your walking advertisements. When individuals visit your client’s home or work environment your brand is being displayed to all. While traveling, your company is constantly being marketed to inquisitive individuals seeking more information on your company logo and drink holders.
RESULTS: You cannot argue with the revenue opportunities you are creating with the distribution of personalised stubby holders. You are developing repeat business through brand recognition in addition to creating new clients through consumer endorsements.