Marketing is an essential component of any business environment therefore taking advantage of the most effective marketing solutions often provides you with your greatest opportunity of success. For a business that works online or in the physical environment, few marketing tools can offer the advantages which are offered with promotional items such as the ubiquitous stubby cooler.
These personalized products offer the benefit of continuous marketing as recipients of these gifts continue to use the item for years to come. When your company is looking to the next evolution of marketing opportunity, seek the benefits found with distributing a quality promotional item, discovering long term brand recognition opportunity and a promotion item that generates its own demand.
When considering the promotional items your company will utilize, it is important to remember that quality is a major factor with these products. Many businesses like the appeal of promotional gifts being distributed to clients that brand the company logo, though their selection is limited. Pens have often been the ‘go to’ solution for promotional items due to the need for individuals to write, though most of them are discarded or lost in desks, mainly due to their inferior look or feel. It’s like comparing a real razor with a low quality disposable. With stubby coolers you will be supplying a high quality neoprene product that is designed to withstand a lifetime of use and abuse. This ensures that your product will stay in use longer and display your company logo for all to see.
In fact, the durability of a stubby cooler is what makes it an ideal candidate to supply a company with long term brand recognition. This is a product that serves a real purpose in almost any environment, helping the user to keep their drink cool for an extended period of time. Their regular use of stubby coolers will ensure that your brand name is constantly being presented to these individuals, acting as a constant reminder of your goods and services. Also, you should not underestimate the fact that they are usually used in relaxing social situations as opposed to a work environment. Furthermore, these regularly utilized promotional items will display your brand to others in your consumers work environment in the most unusual ways.
This might sound funny, but if you look you will find promotional stubbies adorning many a desk holding everything from chocolates to pens. This, subliminally, displays a type of brand loyalty to others which inspires your company be remembered.
Finally, one of the greatest advantages of the stubby cooler is found with the demand it generates from consumers. Pens come a dime a dozen and are not often in high demand due to the above mentioned issues. With stubby coolers you will have a product that many individuals will benefit from and are constantly ready to receive.
Check out our range and consider the points in this article. This could be a good marketing strategy for you. Contact us if you have any questions.